Sunday, February 26, 2012

Eliminating Dynamic SQL

I am refactoring stored procedures that use dynamic sql.
The reason the store procedures use dynamic sql is because
the data that is need comes from another MS SQL database
that resides on the same server instance.
The following is a code example from a stored procedure:
declare @.theDatabase sysname;
set @.theDatabase = 'A database that I get based on
critera at runtime.';
declare @.thePrimaryKey int;
set @.thePrimaryKey = 2;
declare @.theSqlString varchar(8000);
set @.theSqlString = 'select r.Feild from ' +
@.theDatabase +
'..TableName r ' +
'where r.ID = '
+ rtrim( str( @.thePrimaryKey ) )
exec sp_executesql @.theSqlString;
The problem is that dynamic sql is EXTREMELY slow! I have
been doing some research and have found a little bit on
sp_linkedservers and OPENQUERY but I have not figured out
how to accomplish what is done above.
Can anyone give me an example of how I can use
sp_linkedservers and OPENQUERY to accomplish this query?
Would it be better, performance wise, to just continue
using dynamic sql?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
John Dickey
jpd0861@.msn.comIf you have the same table structures in each database then you can
create a partitioned view across them and reference the partitioned
view instead. Whether this is the right solution though may depend on
just why you have the data split across multiple DBs in the first
place. It doesn't seem like a very practical architecture if it forces
you to write dynamic SQL in all your production code.
David Portas
SQL Server MVP
--|||Thank you for your reply David.
The reason that we have different databases is because the
databases are for different applications that my
application interfaces with. They happen to be Great Plains
accounting databases that I am trying to retrive data from.
Can you give me more information about the partitioned view
and how I can set that up?
John Dickey

>--Original Message--
>If you have the same table structures in each database
then you can
>create a partitioned view across them and reference the
>view instead. Whether this is the right solution though
may depend on
>just why you have the data split across multiple DBs in
the first
>place. It doesn't seem like a very practical architecture
if it forces
>you to write dynamic SQL in all your production code.
>David Portas
>SQL Server MVP
>|||It's all in Books Online:
David Portas
SQL Server MVP

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